Yae Matsuo Marcus Sandri Norman Mangner Nicolas Majunke Ingo Dähnert Gerhard Schuler Masahiko Kurabayashi Sven Möbius-Winkler
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-13-0828, (Released:2014-01-11)
7 17

Background: Transcatheter left atrial appendage (LAA) closure is an alternative therapy for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients. However; real-world efficacy, safety and complications have yet to be investigated. We sought to determine the procedural outcomes and potential complications of LAA closure in routine clinical practice at a high-volume center. Methods and Results: The study group comprised 179 patients (105 males; 72.7±9.0 years) with AF undergoing LAA closure at a single center in Germany. The rate of successful implantation was 98.9% (2 patients did not undergo implantation) and the overall procedure-related complication rate was 11.2% (major: 3.3%: tamponade 2; possibility of transient ischemic attack (TIA) 1; device dislocation 3; minor: 7.8%: pericardial effusion 2; air embolization with transient ST segment elevation 3; thrombus on device/sheath 3; puncture complications 5). At 45 days; 99.4% showed successful sealing of the LAA and 94.5% discontinued oral anticoagulation (OAC). TIA occurred in 2 patients during 6-month follow-up; but no cases of stroke were reported. There were no hemorrhagic stroke or device-related deaths. Only 1 patient was hospitalized with traumatic subdural hematoma. Minor bleeding was reported in 5 patients. Conclusions: Transcatheter LAA closure in a high-volume center is safe and feasible. Life-threatening complications are rare. Discontinuation of OAC 45 days after implantation was also safe.


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