Satoshi Ida Ryutaro Kaneko Kanako Imataka Kaoru Okubo Kentaro Azuma Kazuya Murata
The Japan Endocrine Society
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
pp.EJ22-0548, (Released:2023-03-01)

We used a consensus statement to diagnose sarcopenic obesity, evaluated incidence of sarcopenic obesity in older patients with diabetes, and examined whether sarcopenic obesity was associated with their higher-level functional capacity. Outpatients with diabetes (age, ≥65 years) undergoing treatment at Ise Red Cross Hospital were included. The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Index of Competence (TMIG-IC)—a self-administered questionnaire—was used to assess their higher-level functional capacity. Sarcopenic obesity was evaluated based on the consensus statement diagnostic criteria—i.e., presence or absence of decreased skeletal muscle mass was evaluated based on appendicular skeletal muscle mass/body weight and obesity was assessed based on body fat mass percentage. To calculate the adjusted β coefficient of sarcopenic obesity for higher-level functional capacity, multiple regression analyses were performed using TMIG-IC scores as the dependent variable and four categories (non-sarcopenia/non-obesity was used as a reference) that included sarcopenia and obesity as the predictor and moderator variables. Among the 310 patients included, the sarcopenic obesity incidence was 13.1% and 14.2% in men and women, respectively. When the non-sarcopenia/non-obesity group was used as a reference, the adjusted β coefficient of sarcopenic obesity for scores of the TMIG-IC was –2.09 (p = 0.014) in men. However, the women showed no relationship between sarcopenic obesity and TMIG-IC scores. In older men with diabetes, sarcopenic obesity was associated with a decline in higher-level functional capacity.


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糖尿病高齢患者におけるサルコペニア肥満と応用的な身体機能との関連.男性ではサルコペニア肥満で身体機能が有意に低かったが,女性では有意な関連が認められなかった. https://t.co/VKjzw4kQ1A

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