野畑 健太郎
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.12, pp.1-28, 2005-12-17 (Released:2018-01-10)

Medical technology has been developed over the years to alleviate or avoid some of the causes of infertility, and these technologies continue to advance, collectively these technologies are known as assisted reproductive technologies (ART). In this April, The National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA) in Japan, which is an independent policy research body established on the initiative of leading figures from Japan's industrial, academic and labor communities, and it was founded in 1974 under the National Institute for Research Advancement Act and is funded through an endowment made up of capital contributions and donations from both the public and private sectors, proposed the new tentative plan denominated "Bill of Bioethics" including legal protections and regulations of assisted reproductive technologies. At present there is no act to protect and regulate assisted reproductive technologies in Japan. The new tentative plan concerning legal protections and regulations about assisted reproductive technologies by NIRA is an epoch-making plan in the realm of bioethics. I'll consider in this paper, first of all, the content and meaning of legal protections and regulations about assisted reproductive technologies in the "Bill of Bioethics" in terms of the Constitution. In this connection, I'll consider some provisions in the Constitution of Japan related to legal protections and regulations of assisted reproductive technologies, next.


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