八田 潔 泉野 浩嗣
独立行政法人 石川工業高等専門学校
石川工業高等専門学校紀要 (ISSN:02866110)
vol.48, pp.1-7, 2016 (Released:2017-10-01)

Street gutters play an important role by performing functions of supplying water to the rice paddies and forming a part of their drainage systems, preventing water stagnation, and conserving the living environment. However, owing to depopulation in the farmlands and aging of the local residents, the task of cleaning the gutters has become laborious. Therefore, we have developed machines in order to provide support during the gutter cleaning process. First, the lid of the gutter is lifted and removed. Next, the robot can be used in the gutter for removing the soil, dead leaves, and dust, and thus clean the gutter. In the locations where cleaning is difficult, this robot can surpass the human capability by reaching remote or unmanageable places.


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