Yoshihito Nihei Monami Kishi Hitoshi Suzuki Ayako Koizumi Maiko Yoshida Sho Hamaguchi Masako Iwasaki Hiromitsu Fukuda Hisatsugu Takahara Masao Kihara Shigeki Tomita Yusuke Suzuki
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
vol.61, no.7, pp.1033-1037, 2022-04-01 (Released:2022-04-01)

A 28-year-old woman experienced gross hematuria after the administration of the second dose of an messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine (BNT162b2). She was diagnosed with Immunogloblin A nephropathy (IgAN) by a renal biopsy two weeks after vaccination, which revealed a mild increase in mesangial cells and a matrix with co-depositions of galactose-deficient IgA1 and C3 in the mesangial region. The gross hematuria and proteinuria gradually improved without any medication, suggesting that immune activation by the mRNA vaccine may not elicit continuous disease progression of IgAN. Thus, further studies investigating the relationship between mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 and the progression of IgAN should be conducted.


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28-year-old woman experienced gross hematuria after the administration of the second dose of #Pfizer (#mRNA) vaccine (BNT162b2). https://t.co/xa4ReNsb06
11.ワクチン後症候群の症例報告論文 肉眼的血尿を伴うIgA腎症(28歳、女性) 論文:順天堂大学 https://t.co/sVyOcBhWDZ 論文解説動画:鹿先生 https://t.co/nOUfX81q0g
10.ワクチン後症候群の症例報告論文 難治拡大型横断性脊髄炎(75歳、男性) 論文:愛媛大学 https://t.co/sVyOcBhWDZ 論文解説動画:鹿先生 https://t.co/4eKpZuztQq
ワクチン後症候群(順天堂大学) https://t.co/zJRdVThVxH https://t.co/Nh743YmynC 28歳医療従事者 軽傷のIGA腎症で自己治癒の事例 mRNAワクチンは、IGGだけでなく、他の抗体も誘導している エストロゲン受容体に結合なら、脂質異常が現れる 代謝経路に問題を起こすように設計のバイオテロ
COVID-19 mRNAワクチン接種後の肉眼的血尿を伴うIgA腎症 https://t.co/3ZWWL0mU49 https://t.co/htZercWyjq
@blanc0981 ありました。 ワクチン後症候群症例報告論文 東北大 https://t.co/hnxaXxH9YL 長崎大 https://t.co/taADmN1RGk  東京都立墨東病院 https://t.co/fgGdnX3la0  大阪市立大 https://t.co/UaIZXiSYLm 順天堂大 https://t.co/sXO0Q5Kt6L 札幌医科大 https://t.co/9mwZP5O8TP  シカ先生解説より拾いました
鹿先生(IgA腎症、血尿) ワクチン後症候群の症例報告論文(順天堂大学) - ニコニコ動画 https://t.co/iII45Fdh69 論文 IgA Nephropathy with Gross Hematuria Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination https://t.co/SRrPUYGUy1
鹿先生(脊髄炎。歩けなくなってたらしい、下半身付随、排出物にも苦労してる) ●ワクチン後症候群の症例報告論文(愛媛大学) - ニコニコ動画 https://t.co/L5UX2htSu5 論文 IgA Nephropathy with Gross Hematuria Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination https://t.co/SRrPUYGUy1
鹿先生(脊髄炎。歩けなくなってたらしい、下半身付随) ●ワクチン後症候群の症例報告論文(愛媛大学) - ニコニコ動画 https://t.co/L5UX2htSu5 論文 IgA Nephropathy with Gross Hematuria Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination https://t.co/SRrPUYGUy1
28-year-old woman experienced gross hematuria after the administration of the second dose of #Pfizer. She was diagnosed with Immunogloblin A nephropathy (IgAN) by a renal biopsy two weeks after vaccination https://t.co/RYsUh9umX5

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