影浦 亮平
学校法人 京都外国語大学国際言語文化学会
国際言語文化学会日本学研究 (ISSN:2424046X)
vol.5, pp.35-54, 2020 (Released:2022-01-10)

Today, we discuss separately on the ethics of the dual (typically Levinasian ethics) and on the ethics of the multiplicity (contemporary ethics since Kant). But can we discuss on the contemporary ethics without reference to the ethics of the dual? Can it treat the other essentially? It seems that Hannah Arendt answers these questions in her way. We should be discreet in treating the other in a universal manner. The ethics of the dual is superior to the ethics of the multiplicity, and the latter cannot be justified only if it is based on the former.


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じゃあいいよ。国際言語文化学会の影浦氏のアーレントの話置いておく。僕も説明したけど置いておく。ただここについて急進論的に進めろって話でなく問題の根は全てみえとるよね、って話。慎重に読まないとならないのはわかってる。自身の政治的立ち位置としてもさ? https://t.co/TXwSzXUxsB
@hikkiy_cooking @damelifegyoda https://t.co/jQHVFQfwfI

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