宮川 準
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.17, pp.123-136, 2010-03-31 (Released:2017-08-08)

Major Apparel brands, Nike, Gap have developed the self-regulation approach to manage 'Sweatshop Issue' during last 10 years. Along with the dispute between corporations and labor/human rights organization, this approach has evolved into the detailed monitoring/disclosure program, hardly seen among other industries. But evaluating the CSR reports they disclosed, the level of coherence and remediation in the contract factories is still far from the ideal, after 10 years of their private initiatives. Looking ahead, it seems this approach would lose faith in public and also in apparel giants themselves. Actually their initiatives had significant effect on the trend of the issue, but smaller corporations cannot take similar path because of its burden. Thus less self-regulative, more public, coherent approach is demanded near future. Larger public international entity like ILO could take this role, but this idea takes time to be realized, based on the experiences of Nike, Gap.


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@hinatabocco_p @iiwakoiwa2323 UNIQLOが直接工場を運営しているのではなく、人件費の安い発展途上国の地場企業に生産を委託しています。 このような形態はUNIQLOだけはありません。 しかし製造発注元は責任が無いと言い逃れするのが難しくなっています。 過去NIKEがやり玉にあがりました。 https://t.co/axT1c6H2b1
アパレルの労働搾取についてこの(↓)論文を流し読みしてみたんだけど、市場が要求する賃金を無理矢理引き上げればいいっていう単純な構造ではないっていうのはまあそうなるよね。一社だけの問題でもないんだと思うし。 https://t.co/HyhJMzr3N5

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