高橋 太一
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.19, pp.207-218, 2012-01-31 (Released:2017-08-08)

This report addresses the noncompliance with Organic JAS Standards and Technical Criteria and analyzes the issue from the perspective of business ethics. Noncompliance cases are classified into the following three types: (1) false labeling of JAS standards for organic vegetables by making and using forged seals, (2) use of materials that do not comply with the standards, and (3) flaws in the authentication procedures for JAS standards governing organic vegetables. The following facts are apparent: the excessive seeking of economic profit is a social factor that promotes noncompliance, the complex system of proving that noncompliant materials were not used can lead to noncompliance, and some noncompliance can be avoided by combining social morality and management ability. The noncompliance is not similar but is caused by different business ethics issues. Therefore, an individualized approach according to each case and social support, such as public training programs, are required to reduce noncompliance.


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@vege_____vege 曖昧なので調べてみました。農水省のJASに関するQA集(https://t.co/OwOPgs8WGV)に添付の記載があります。この「2規制の対象とならない情報提供」に該当する範囲なら問題はないと思われます。また、こちらの論文(https://t.co/vIHDiq9qqb)に添付の記載があります。 https://t.co/w32Mx6rWUd
農業生産違反裁判判決事例とかいくつも事例を見ると長野県内農家の種苗法違反騒ぎや商標権侵害や知的財産権侵害や表示や内容違反は騒ぎが絶えない。 https://t.co/hax6KLNCBI

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