高橋 美保 可知 悠子
産業・組織心理学研究 (ISSN:09170391)
vol.33, no.1, pp.51-64, 2019 (Released:2020-10-30)

To explore measures to remedy Japan’s dearth of labor power, this study focuses on the population that wishes to find employment on nonpermanent bases, but is unable to, and is thus unable to join the labor force. In addition to obtaining an overall perspective on the actual situation of this population, this study aimed to shed light on how factors, such as child-rearing and caregiving, influence the population’s desire for non-regular employment. Secondary analysis of data from the household and health questionnaires of the FY2018 Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions revealed that 66.35% of the population that wishes to work, but is unemployed, seeks non-regular employment. No significant relationship was found, regardless of sex or age, between child-rearing and the desire to find any kind of employment, suggesting the necessity to prepare not only non-regular but also regular employment opportunities for people who are occupied with child-rearing. Moreover, among the people occupied with caregiving, the young adult females and middle-aged-and-above males desired non-regular employment. In addition, while a tendency was found among young single adult males to desire non-regular employment, the analysis also suggested a tendency among those with poor mental health to desire regular employment. Further, a tendency to desire regular employment was found among single women, regardless of age. Indeed, young adult females in difficult economic situations seek regular employment, more so than other groups. Overall, the analysis suggested that both men and women desire regular employment and its stability, the more they are exposed to risks related to mental health issues or economic difficulty. Social support is necessary to ensure that living conditions do not restrict working conditions, regardless of sex or age.


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