井深 雄二
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.24, pp.80-89, 2017 (Released:2018-08-27)

In this paper, the associated structure of the compulsory education expense government contribution system, and the system by which the prefecture provides the salary of the staff of municipalities was examined. The paper considers the basic issue of the school personnel management of city, town or village-owned elementary and junior high schools and the salary mechanisms. Structural contradictions existed between the management and the expense burden of the elementary school before World War II, and this led to the creation of the compulsory education expense government contribution system. Moreover, the centralization system whereby the prefecture provides the salary of the staff of municipalities was approved in 1940. The compulsory education expense government contribution system was abolished in the educational reform period after World War II under the decentralization policy for education, and the authority to appoint and dismiss was moved from the local secretary to municipal boards of education. However, the system by which the prefecture provides the salary of the staff of municipalities was maintained. The compulsory education expense government contribution system was revived by the process of the review of the educational reform after World War II, and the authority to appoint and dismiss was moved from the municipal boards of education to the prefectural board of education. A further development was that the compulsory education expense government contribution system was reduced and that the authority to appoint and dismiss the teacher was moved to municipalities under the decentralization of education as the educational policy of neo liberalism after the 1980ʼs.


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