功刀 雅長 高橋 克明 沢井 郁太郎
公益社団法人 日本セラミックス協会
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:00090255)
vol.69, no.788, pp.261-270, 1961-08-01 (Released:2010-04-30)

A model of a bridge-wall tank was made from plastics to the scale 1/50. Molten glass was replaced by 82% glycerin and its flow in the model under conditions satisfying as fare as possible the law of similitude was studied by the following method. Grains of plastics covered with aluminium powder, whose specific gravity was made as nearly as possible the same as that of glycerin, were introduced as tracer. Illumination with a thin sheet of light across the tank made the motion of the tracer particles visible, and the velocity distribution in the flowing glycerin was estimated from photographic records of the tracks. The temperature distribution in the fluid was measured by Cu-constantan thermocouples. The effect of changes of heat input from the top surface and the arrangement of heaters on the flow patterns and the temperature distribution was investigated.


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