岩井 保憲 野本 秀雄 佐々木 隆 筧 敦行 伊東 正雄 佐藤 岩太郎 Rodney J. ALLAM Jeremy E. FETVEDT
一般社団法人 日本燃焼学会
日本燃焼学会誌 (ISSN:13471864)
vol.57, no.182, pp.274-279, 2015 (Released:2018-01-26)

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from thermal power plants are one of the primary causes of global warming. As global demand for energy increases while environmental regulations tighten, novel power generation cycles are being developed to meet market needs while accommodating green requirements. To meet this demand in the global market, Toshiba has been engaged in the development of an environmentally conscious thermal power generation system applying a supercritical CO2 cycle (Allam cycle) developed by 8 Rivers in cooperation with U.S. companies: 8 Rivers Capital, NET Power, LLC; Chicago Bridge & Iron Company; and Exelon Corporation. The Allam cycle is an approach (with high pressure, low pressure ratios, oxy-fuel combustion and CO2 as a working fluid) that efficiently produces power in a compact plant, avoids NOx emissions, makes efficient use of clean-burning natural gas and can generate high-pressure carbon dioxide for enhanced oil and gas recovery in the field. We have been engaged in the development of a 25 MW-class pilot plant. In this project, Toshiba has been assigned the development of key equipment, including a high-temperature and high-pressure turbine and a combustor, for this thermal power generation system aimed at realizing a 295 MW-class commercial plant.


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