関根 嘉香 臼杵 英俊 宮城 圭輔 小座野 貴弘
一般社団法人 日本環境化学会
環境化学 (ISSN:09172408)
vol.20, no.2, pp.113-119, 2010 (Released:2010-12-24)

Secondary emission products generated through chemical reactions become a recent concern in relation to indoor air quality. We have focused on formic acid (HCOOH) whose generation mechanism in indoor air has been unknown. In this study, we examined influence of oxidant on the indoor air concentrations of HCOOH and emission process of HCOOH by both laboratory experiments and field measurements. Firstly, emission fluxes of HCHO and HCOOH from plywood were determined using a small bowl-type stainless chamber. The emission flux of HCOOH increased with those of HCHO under ambient air containing oxidant. While the oxidant was removed in the chamber, HCOOH significantly emitted with NO2 at the chamber outlet. We then concluded HCOOH is a product of the gas phase reaction between HCHO, NO2 and O3. Field measurements conducted at a newly-build detached house supported the conclusion as that indoor concentrations of HCOOH increased with an increase in concentrations of the oxidant introduced from outdoor by air ventilation.


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「室内空気中ギ酸濃度に及ぼす外気由来のオキシダントの影響」東海大 2010年 #ギ酸 には、皮膚や粘膜に強い刺激性があり、 アレルギーや #化学物質過敏症 の原因物質の1つであると考えて調査した報告書。 ギ酸は建材だけでなく、#レノア にも! https://t.co/mxawoDStqP

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