新山 陽子 西川 朗 三輪 さち子
フードシステム研究 (ISSN:13410296)
vol.14, no.1, pp.15-33, 2007-06-30 (Released:2011-09-26)
11 7

We know a trend toward supply of the detailed production history information of a food at the point of purchase to consumer with trace-ability system in the food chain. On the other hand, psychological consumer behavior research has pointed out the limitation of information processing capacity and therefore the adoption of the simplified information processing methods as heuristics at the point of purchase.This study has given the consumer information processing model has been based on comprehensive models as EBM Model, Bettman Model, Elaboration Likelihood Model and so on. Based on the model, we have collected the protocol date of consumers by thinking aloudmethod at the point of five kinds flesh foods purchase in a retail shop, and have analyzed the number of search items and attributes of the foods, the kinds of decision strategy and the times of the information processing. As the results, we have pointed out routine problem solving or limited problem solving included heuristic decision strategies in the consumer information processing at the point of purchase. Accordingly, it is not a realistic idea that consumers make it a practice to refer the supplied great detailed information at the point of food purchase. It is desirable that we supply essential information of food attributes with simplified condition to consumers.


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