松本 良
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.118, no.1, pp.7-42, 2009-02-25 (Released:2010-04-05)
14 21

Gas hydrate, an ice-like solid compound composed of methane and water molecules, was “re-discovered” from ocean sediments in the mid-20th century, while it had been known as a chemical material to chemists and chemical engineers even in the early 19th century. Since the re-discovery of natural gas hydrate it has been attracting growing interest among geoscientists from the viewpoint of potential natural gas resources, possible impact on global environmental changes, and trigger of geo-hazards such as landslides and coastal erosion. The development of gas hydrate science has been marked by a rapid increase of studies in publications from 1991 to 1999, reflecting ODP expeditions to the mid-America Trench and Blake Ridge, where deep corings recovered solid gas hydrate samples. The number of papers in international journals has increased to 500 to 600 annually in the last few years. Recent development of marine geology and geophysics, in particular of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), has dramatically increased our knowledge of gas hydrate and related phenomena. Bottom simulating reflector (BSR) on seismic profiles corresponds to the base of the gas hydrate zone in sediments, and is considered to be a useful tool to identify the distribution of marine gas hydrates. The base of gas hydrate stability (BGHS) is determined from P-T conditions of sediments and water depth, and BSR is expected to occur at the depth of BGHS. However, BSR is not always consistent with BGHS; and, in some cases, even two BSRs are identified at around the depth of BGHS. These observations seem to imply that marine gas hydrate is not necessarily stable at the present position but represents ephemeral and transient conditions.  Integrated research activities of scientific projects and industry exploration efforts have identified two types of gas hydrate in marine sediments. These are deep-seated, stratigraphic-type deposits and shallow/structural accumulation. Japan's long-term exploration project led by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has been targeting the stratigraphic type in the Nankai Trough, where 40 tcf of methane has been estimated to occur as concentrated gas hydrate deposits. Shallow accumulations are usually associated with gas chimney structures, and are common throughout the marginal seas of the western Pacific. Massive accumulation of the shallow type seems to be promising for gas production from gas hydrate as well.  Sudden and major changes to the earth's environment and mass extinctions are characterized by sharp negative excursions of carbon isotopic composition. Massive dissociation of C-13 depleted gas hydrate with δ13C of -40 to -100‰, is believed to have caused such global changes. The Paleocene-Eocene boundary event (PETM event) is the best-explained case of gas hydrate-induced biotic overturn. However, serious problems have recently emerged from considerations of thermal propagation through sediments. A sudden increase of methane concentration at the Last Glacial Maximum has also been considered to result from gas hydrate dissociation, but the response of gas hydrate was not so simple during the Quaternary, when low sea level during glacial periods possibly de-stabilized subsurface gas hydrate, unlike the PETM of ice-free ocean.


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@AoyamaManual @QOOLY111 青山繁晴研究さんコメントありがとうございます。 これでしょうか? まだ探すことを優先し、読んではいませんが。 以下にお示し致します。 https://t.co/HuLmHBCklb
@naka1361 @armourhigeraru @RbH6l @chikayasu3 @b2bomber_2 青山繁晴さんを通さないプレーンなメタハイのまとめ論文も合わせてどうぞ。 https://t.co/umhHPHxe6z
@satoko_tea @Mr_Alan_Smithee @hideyohanazumi お休みなさい! とりあえず読んで欲しいものリンクだけ貼っときます。 https://t.co/UMGJf0jIoj https://t.co/Cf8oHDRaF6 https://t.co/umhHPHxe6z https://t.co/zlLEeja51V
@CarlosToshiyuki @HydrateMethane 参考資料(カンニングOK!) https://t.co/dJAjZM1lVn https://t.co/umhHPHxe6z https://t.co/UMGJf0jIoj https://t.co/zlLEeja51V https://t.co/npmSW1egCQ
@fulietigers @Taisei_NO 例えば https://t.co/umhHPHxe6z https://t.co/7TUh6zlhHs https://t.co/HbaAxpvK9r https://t.co/UMGJf0jIoj https://t.co/abt0539rlm https://t.co/SnJONNqLAW https://t.co/SNhd10hkrr https://t.co/H3WlzziEjt https://t.co/zlLEeja51V https://t.co/dJAjZM1lVn
@cotoraion @adachiyasushi お節介ですみません。 これが出任せかどうか自分で調べて見てはいかがですか? 人の意見を待つだけですか? 信じるも信じないも自分で調べられますよ。 ご参考にどうぞ。 https://t.co/umhHPHxe6z https://t.co/mC0b5yjSpc https://t.co/zlLEeja51V https://t.co/ndEGPNpJZz
@motohan1 @adachiyasushi ご参考にどうぞ。 https://t.co/SnJONNqLAW https://t.co/umhHPHxe6z https://t.co/zlLEeja51V https://t.co/H3WlzziEjt https://t.co/7oz9NB0lck https://t.co/BwBfqLkN7B
@inorann0112 メタハイは奥が深くて面白いですよ。 資源量からして青山さんは誤魔化し過ぎ。表層メタハイは太平洋側より多いとか言ってるし。 https://t.co/zlLEeja51V https://t.co/umhHPHxe6z https://t.co/ndEGPNpJZz

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