柏木 洋彦 鹿園 直建
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.112, no.4, pp.473-488, 2003-08-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Climate change and variations of atmospheric CO2 during Cenozoic have been discussed by many studies. The model results for global carbon cycle and climate change are generally consistent with those of many analytical studies concerning climate events in early Cenozoic, e.g., early Eocene warming events. However, the climate events proposed by analytical studies in late Cenozoic are not wholly inconsistent with the results of the model studies, e.g., Miocene climatic optimum (warming), cooling events in Eocene/Oligocene boundary and middle Miocene (15 Ma). Many problems remain in relation to evaluating CO2 flux by hydrothermal solutions at mid-ocean ridges, island-arc, and back-arc basins in the models. Also, the discrepancy may be derived from errors in estimating weathering flux, organic carbon burial, and change in vegetation. Moreover, another greenhouse effect gas such as methane, land-sea distribution, albedo variations due to the formation of ice-sheets, and temperature distribution attributed to changes in the ocean circulation system should be considered. Recent analytical studies reveal that the CO2 level since Miocene has remained relatively low in spite of the suggested climate events in this period. The mechanism of oceanic environmental change, as well as atmospheric CO2, is especially important to elucidate climate change during Cenozoic.


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900~2500万年前の第3紀中新世のCO2濃度は180~290ppmで産業革命前並に低かったにもかかわらず、気温は現在よりもかなり高かった。温暖化CO2説だと、低CO2では低温でなければならないので、つじつまが合わない。#気候変動 https://t.co/wESV6oa5ng

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