磯野 義人
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.69, no.10, pp.905-914, 1990-10-20 (Released:2011-02-23)

The possibility of obtaining artificial rain falls on and area by the man-made mountain range with a huge air-supported membrane structure is discussed.The arid area selected as a ideal geographical model is Saudi Arabia and various aspects of climate condition of the area are considerd.The man-made mountain range proposed is held by continuously supplied air by many blowers. The minimum size of the structure will be 10km long, 1.2km width and 600m high.The membrane material of the structure will be TEFLON coated glass fiber fabrics. And cable reignforcements at certain intervals are also recommended.As a conclusion, the idea has high capability in realization of rain falls but more detailed research is required for the location of site, etc.


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