中村 崇 植田 安昭 Toguri James M.
公益社団法人 日本金属学会
日本金属学会誌 (ISSN:00214876)
vol.50, no.5, pp.456-461, 1986 (Released:2008-04-04)
5 35

A new scale of the theoretical optical basicity was established by means of the concept of the average electron density (D) expressecl in eq. (1).(This article is not displayable. Please see full text pdf.) \ oindentThe value of α in an oxide system was defined unity, and the values of α in alkaline earth fluoride and chloride systems were determined by measurments of Pbs-p spectra of CaF2 and CaCl2 using photoacoustic spectroscopy.The basicity moderating parameter values were found to have a linear relation with the values of the average electron density, as shown in eq. (2).(This article is not displayable. Please see full text pdf.) The theroretical optical basicity values of transition metal oxides were able to be calculated in the new scale, for example, ΛFeO=0.94, ΛFe2O3=0.72 and ΛTiO2=0.65. It was possible to explain the sulfide capacity values in the systems containing iron oxides using these optical basicity values. The theoretical optical basicity values of alkaline earth fluoride and chloride were also obtained in this study. The values of the optical basicity showed a good correlation to logarithmic values of the phosphate capacity at a constant temperature in the systems consisting of oxide and fluoride compounds. It is suggested that the theoretical optical basicity developed in this study was a resonable scale for a wide range basicity in slags and fluxes.


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