長田 尚夫
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.20, no.1, pp.30-37, 1980-02-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

Social and psychologic problems were neglected in the treatment of sexual disturbance in the past. In this paper, we reported on our treatment for psychosomatic sexual disturbances which were caused by physical sexual disorders. (1) Disorders on sexual development. Patients with Klinefelter syndrome and male hermaphroditism were suffering from psychological sexual troubles in spite of successful hormonal therapy. When treated psychosomatically, however, good results were obtained. (2) Hypogonadism. Patients with eunuchism and eunuchoidism who had anxiety about marriage in spite of satisfactory hormonal therapy were treated psychosomatically. Consequently, they became able to lead a happy life with their spouse. (3) Impotence. Take honey-moon impotence, for instance. Favorable results were obtained when the couple restored their tender feelings and the wife became co-operative in the treatment. It is important to establish a good working relationship in a couple when we treat a patient with functional impotence. (4) Surgical stress and testosterone. Plasma and urinary testosterone levels tended to decrease under surgical stress. We would emphasize that the treatment of male sexual disturbance should be approached not only from the physical standpoint but also from the psychosocial standpoint.


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@Lei_Karin @suzuhuji 睾丸切除していても結婚している男性はいますね。平林さんが歴史は詳しそうですが、宦官が養子をとるのは認められていたはず。<https://t.co/x14MaDikRf 宦官の本は沢山あると思いますが、史料として信頼できるかは歴史は苦手なので信頼できるか見分けるのが難しいです。

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