大井 幸雄
Japan Society of Engineering Geology
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.21, no.2, pp.88-97, 1980-06-30 (Released:2010-02-23)

There exist some layers of earth, found principally in Japan's cities, which react with and absorb oxygen in the air, Workers have died of asphyxiation when excavating these strata.An effective way of preventing this kind of accident is to check before operations begin whether or not the area has been analyzed for oxygen absorbing layers.The reason for this phenomena lies in the chemical properties of the soil.This report demonstrates that the presence or absence of oxygen absorption soil can be determined by following chemical tests on soil samples to be taken during geological surveys:1. Test for redox potential2. pH test3. Detremination of oxygen absorption by the Buret method4. Analysis of ferrous and sulfur ionsIn addition, the report shows that in those cases where the taking of samples is difficult, analysis of the oxygen content of gas that escapes from the borehole during gas permeability testing is also effective.


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参考記事 酸欠調査(酸素欠乏調査) - 中央クリエイト https://t.co/xQIGhthI7K 井戸掘りで酸欠の可能性!気をつける事 https://t.co/EqcyRWE4FY 酸欠地層の予測調査法 https://t.co/jZnRgDTkCQ

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