王 黎曼 山本 貴嗣 久山 泰 高野 喜久雄 本田 由美子 峰下 哲
特定非営利活動法人 日本バイオレオロジー学会
日本バイオレオロジー学会誌 (ISSN:09134778)
vol.13, no.1, pp.35-41, 1999-03-31 (Released:2012-09-24)

Aim: It is recently stressed that physiological state of blood viscosity plays some important role in the patho-etiology of some cardiovascular diseases. To know the closer relationship between the blood viscosity and the cardiovascular diseases, we carried out this study.Method and Subjects: We collected 118 patients (53 male, 65 female) who were diagnosed as having hypertension, hyperlipemia and/or cerebral infarction. The following items were examined.1) Blood viscosity, 2) Plasma viscosity, 3) Hematocrit, 4) Total cholesterol, 5) HDL-cholesterol, 6) Total protein, 7) Triglyceride, 8) Phospholipid, 9) Fibrinogen.Results and discussion: The blood viscosity showed higher level in 61-80 years-old group. The plasma viscosity and fibrinogen were higher in the patients over 71 years old. It is suggested the fibrinogen content closely relates to plasma viscosity. The effects of some drugs to the blood viscosity were investigated. Among them, one of β-blockers decreased blood viscosity.


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@ncaq コレステロール値も関係あるみたいですが、血液がドンとサラサラになるような食品は劇物っぽい印象がありますね。 高血圧の薬に粘度を下げる効果があるそうです。 https://t.co/KDGORmAGx1

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