坂本 拓弥
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.33, no.2, pp.63-73, 2011 (Released:2012-12-17)
4 3 4

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the role of body in school athletic club by focusing on handing down of corporal punishment. For this purpose, the relationship of body to “imitation” and “habitus” is to be considered. The previous studies reveal that those who experienced corporal punishment regard it positively, although they recognise that it is unjust act. This contradiction shows the difference between understanding in verbal level and in body level. However, the latter has been missed so far. This is why this paper focuses on the viewpoint of body.To conclude, as we learn unconsciously tradition and custom in body level (“habitus”) and body itself has no relation to moral judgement, corporal punishment is also handed down from teacher to student with unconscious learning (“imitation”). It suggests the importance of effect of teacher's body on student's sensitivity, i.e. their way of thought and behaviour. Therefore, teacher's body is to be the next subject matter.


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https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jpspe/33/2/33_63/_article/-char/ja/ 坂本は,学校教育における体罰が生徒の「反省や思考を免除」してしまう問題を指摘している. すなわち,生徒は何度も体罰を受けることによって,面倒な「反省」よりも殴られることの方が楽だと感じるようになるというのである. つまり、体罰を受ければ ...

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