小田 佳子 近藤 良享
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.34, no.2, pp.125-140, 2012 (Released:2013-07-31)
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In this study we would like to focus on Korean KUMDO which has represented a significant rise in the international KENDO world since 1990.The purpose of this study is to indicate the direction of the international expansion of Japanese KENDO through the following two points of view, while clarifying the conflict and the course between Japanese KENDO and Korean KUMDO. One point is an approach toward cultural universalism, which means that Japanese KENDO should be transmitted to the world and root in other countries as itself, and the other is an approach to cultural relativism, which means that not only Japanese KENDO but also other KENDO from other countries should be admitted with mutual approval of cultural properties. This discussion consists of the following3 parts:1. Conflict between Korean KUMDO and Japanese KENDO2. Trend in the international KENDO world3. Challenges for the international expansion of Japanese KENDOOn the basis of the course and the conflict between Korean KUMDO and Japanese KENDO, KENDO takes the position of cultural universalism, on the other hand KUMDO has the position of cultural relativism and it tries to find a way to internationalize KUMDO for their competition.For the international expansion of KENDO, it is inevitable to construct the Modern KENDO by reconstructing Japanese KENDO with reviewing the tradition of KENDO thoughts and its principle, objectify and verbalization of KENDO skills and referees, while taking consideration of the different cultures, not just a KENDO spread abroad by ambiguous domestic recognition.
松宮 智生
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.34, no.1, pp.37-51, 2012 (Released:2012-12-17)

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the basis of the validity of rules of game.The traditional framework of the discussion (formalism vs. ethos theory, internalism vs. externalism, etc.) cannot answer the issue mentioned above.The author seeks to verify whether the basis of the effectiveness of rules (the basis for rules to function as rules) is the basis of validity of the rules (the basis for the appropriateness of the content of the rules).The author then presents a framework for discussion of positivism vs. interpretivism. This structure of discussion corresponds to the legal positivism vs. Dworkin dispute in the philosophy of law.Positivism emphasizes norms based on facts such as written rules and customs and is effective for discussing the rationale for the effectiveness of rules.Interpretivism, in contrast, focuses on the interpretation of rules supporting integration of the rule system and is useful for discussing the rationale for the validity of rules. An interpretive approach seeking to find the ethos (or principles) of games may identify the basis of the validity of rules.Even if a player engages in conduct conforming to the rule of games, i.e., rational behavior to win without violating the rules, his/her actions may be criticized by those who watch. If so, the validity of the rules that are the basis for rational behavior may be questioned. The problem is the relationship between the ethos (or principles) of games and the rules.
大峰 光博 友添 秀則 長島 和幸
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.35, no.1, pp.7-19, 2013 (Released:2014-04-16)
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In this study, we focus on arguing about whether retaliatory-hit-batsman is right or wrong, elicit issues which should be solved by reviewing each theorist's theory which is different from each view and aim to provide a new viewpoint for the argument by addressing these issues. As a first issue, we suggest whether retaliatory-hit-batsman which is performed against the intentional hit by the opponent's pitch is appropriate for the justifiable defense or not. We discuss the issue in accordance with the finding based on the fields of legality and legal philosophy in which there are accumulated discussions about the justifiable defense. As a result, “imminent and unlawful infringement” is suggested as a condition which necessitates the use of justifiable defense and it was concluded that because it's too difficult to consider the retaliatory hit batsman which is performed against the intentional hit by the opponent's pitch as the justifiable defense, it's not justified from the viewpoint of justifiable defense.As a second issue, we question whether priority should be given to the external principles (the agreement of participants) or internal principles (the excellence) of the game. We address the issue by reference to Rawls and MacIntyre's theories. The result here are as follows: with the Rawls' stance of liberalism, agreement is acquired with the external principles, and on the other hand, with the MacIntyre's stance which is communitarianism with which the concept of “good” has the priority, internal principles (the excellence) should be given the priority. Furthermore, sustaining the game might be more difficult if the agreement is considered as the more important matter than the excellence. Therefore, even if there is the agreement of participants for retaliatory-hit-batsman, when the excellence of the game is undermined, we suggest that retaliatory-hit-batsman is not permitted.
佐良土 茂樹
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.40, no.2, pp.131-144, 2018 (Released:2019-04-01)

The purpose of this paper is to describe the happiness of coaches from the standpoint of Aristotle’s ethics. Even though the happiness of coaches is obviously very important for their activities and in their life, it seems that this topic has not yet been fully paid attention.For that purpose, I will (2) outline the concept and meaning of Aristotle’s happiness (εὐδαιμονία) from his ethical literature Nicomachean Ethics, (3) make a supplementary statement on his happiness comparing to “happiness” in English and “kōfuku” in Japanese, (4) define what is coach and its function, (5) describe the happiness of coaches based on the previous argument for the conclusion, and go on to (6) demonstrate that the happiness of coaches is based on the framework of Aristotle’s ethics. I will also demonstrate the reason “winning,” “honor,” “sacrificing oneself for the team,” and “pleasure” can’t be identified as Aristotle’s sense of happiness.As a result, it will be shown that the good function of coaches resides in developing and realizing the excellence of players and team, and the happiness of coaches resides in fully realizing their excellence as their goodness of function. Therefore we can safely say that the happiness of coaches is not something independent from the happiness of players but coordinating with it in a sense coaches develop and realize the excellence of players in the practice and game.
二宮 清純
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.44, no.2, pp.69-83, 2022 (Released:2023-03-20)

Professional baseball, the origin of professional sport in Japan, has been institutionalized through the leading involvement of corporations, which are economic organizations with the purpose of profit.The Bundesliga in Germany, which serves as an ideal for the J.League, is organized around nonprofit organizations known as Verein. German nonprofit organizations operate primarily based on general meetings of local citizens and voting in elections and play a role in negotiating with governments and businesses while consolidating and representing the views of local citizens. For the Bundesliga, in which only Verein had been permitted to participate, the commercialization of the 1990s saw permission to operate clubs extended to for-profit companies. However, with the establishment of the “50+1 rule” and the “club licensing system”, clubs were required to hold a majority of their own voting rights. Under such a system, the Bundesliga has contributed to the creation of “civil society”-formed through collaboration between businesses, government, communities, and nonprofit organizations—while centered on a “citizenry” that seeks to organize groups and associations and influence political and economic systems.This study analyzed the J.League philosophy from this public sphere perspective and found that although a philosophy aimed at collaboration between governments, businesses, and citizens has persisted to the present day, and partnerships between businesses and governments have materialized—local governments, for example, hold shares in professional soccer clubs—the specific roles that citizens and nonprofit organizations can play in league and club operations remain undetermined. Moreover, this challenge was attributed to differences in the systems around corporations in Japan and Germany.
滝沢 文雄
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.31, no.1, pp.75-85, 2009 (Released:2012-12-17)
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The purpose of this research is to clarify the use of language and its limitation required for movement practice by considering on the relationship between both of them. Especially in the scene of movement acquisition, there always exists some concern with the decrease of useless linguistic explanation and increase of efficiency in the movement practice. Therefore, research is needed towards the solution of this subject. It will be also inquiring for the possibility and limitation of linguistic thinking in movement practice.First, it is considered how the language has been used in PE class. Then, the use of language in movement practice is considered. It is also considered on the relationship between movement practice and indication of the specific performance. Although it is natural to use language in movement practice, too much reliance on the language may cause some negative effects. Hence, it is important for us to be aware of the use of language so that one can complete the effective acquisition of movement. That is to say, on which level of practice and that of language we may use with words.To conclude, although language with abstraction can explain movements rationally, it is extremely difficult to produce “acticept” which means Gestalt of movement perception. Therefore, we should change our attention from the use of language for scientific explanation to the usage which draws out of practice. Furthermore, the language should have a nature of time. Hence, there are two essential points of the use of language in movement practice. One of the usages is to make the selection of words indicating “acticept”, and to articulate “acticept” required in the practice is the other. For its completion, it is necessary to discern the limitation of linguistic thinking in movement practice, to assure the logic of bodily thinking required for movement acquisition and movement practice, and to consider the role of language in the scene of movement acquisition.
木庭 康樹 田井 健太郎 上田 丈晴 沖原 謙
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.31, no.1, pp.1-26, 2009 (Released:2012-12-17)

This study aims to clarify the structure of sports games in order to analyze soccer games. In this paper, we paid our attention to “gymnos agon (bodily movement competitions)” of ancient Greece that are the origin of sports, and particularly considered “agon (competition)” which is the basis of the meaning of this word.We focused on the structure of “competition” as “play” to clarify the concept of “competition” that is the basis for the meaning of “bodily movement competition”. By doing so we were able to formulate the function of this structure by the following comparative function.On a condition of r, AG = cf(a,b) = a›b, a=b, a‹b(where, r : rule, AG : agon, cf : comparative function, a : contestant, b : opponent, › : win, = : draw, ‹ : loss)In this paper, we put various functions that convert all bodily movement of contestants into the numerical formula in the above function of competition, using the concept of “nested functions (to put a function in another function)”, for the consideration of “bodily movement related to competition” that is our future topic of this study. We were able to connect the function of competition with “bodily elements” of sport structure that Tomihiko Sato had presented.Since the bodily movement of sport is prescribed by the above function of competition, it is not very effective to consider the bodily movement regardless of the “competition” by taking out the bodily movement from the sport. Our future topic is to consider the concept of “bodily movement” that is an attribute of “bodily movement competitions”, and the last aim of this study is to clarify the entirety of “bodily movement competitions (sports)” on the basis of the results considered in this paper.
竹村 瑞穂 重松 大 小林 大祐
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.33, no.1, pp.27-40, 2011 (Released:2012-12-17)

The purpose of this paper is to explore the ground for putting a ban on doping in competitive sport circles, especially focusing on the doping problem as “the issues of that with free will”. The IOC and also some researchers have suggested the reason for prohibiting doping but it's still quite contentious.The object and methods in this paper are as follows: We consider “the issues of doping with free will” (object) in the way of applied ethics with four ethical theories as the framework for researching. The adopted frameworks are as bellow (method).1) the theory of virtue2) the theory of liberalism3) the theory of utilitarianism4) the theory of dutyWe can find some prior views about the topic in terms of the theory of virtue andliberalism, whilethe views based on the theory of utilitarianism and duty are our original one.It would be clarified that the view of virtue doesn't make sense and the view of utilitarianism can only show the prospective judgment. The limit of the theory of liberalism and the significance of the theory of duty would also be shown in this paper as a conclusion.Arguments on the doping issues in terms of the theory of duty, however, are limited on “doping negatively affecting the human body”. It means “doping issues that do no harm to human body in sport” should be treated as different problems that concernwith the essence of sport. Finally, we will suggest that both “the bioethical research” and “the philosophy of sport” should be pursued in the research on doping issues.
大峰 光博
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.41, no.1, pp.47-54, 2019 (Released:2019-09-20)

In this article, I explore, through the prism of Yoshimichi Nakajima’s discrimination theory, the structural aspects of sport that generate discrimination. According to Nakajima, discriminati on does not only occur when people find someone unpleasant and start feeling hatred or contem pt toward that person; it also occurs when people find someone threatening and then take pride in themselves, or in the group with whom they affiliate and become filled with a sense of superi ority. In this study, I demonstrated that sport matches and training sessions incessantly produce feelings of unpleasantness, hatred, contempt, fear, pride, and superiority.On the matter of how to deal with discrimination, Nakajima argued that people need to thor oughly criticize the discrimination feelings of others. He also asserted that people should feel th emselves indebted to those born with inferior capacities, or those who are less fortunate. When engaging the discrimination that arises in sports, the winners in a match should feel indebted to the losers or to the less able competitors. However, athletes who wish to pursue excellence must not be bound by such a sentiment toward losers and instead must ceaselessly strive to improve their own performance. Moreover, what impresses people in sport are overwhelming performa nces by athletes who are never satisfied with being on the same level as other athletes. Thus, I demonstrated that sport has unique structural aspects that generate discrimination that excepti onal athlete should not feel indebted to the losers.
竹村 瑞穂
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.31, no.2, pp.95-107, 2009 (Released:2012-12-17)

The purpose of this paper is to make clear the historical facts of doping matters under the DDR government and to point out the ethical problem to be found from this doping problem.In this paper, I will investigate the bare facts under the DDR government. It could be said that some facts have not been clear up until now and we haven't had the enough ground for these facts under the DDR government.It could be eventually said that the doping actions that were taken by the DDR government, the body politic, is regarded as those of ‘Property of the body by others’.I will clarify the historical facts of this doping problem by focusing on the popular paper 『Spiegel』 and the survey 『MfS und Leistungssport』. In addition, I try to reconsider afresh what / why this problem is regarded as unacceptable from the ethical point of view.The results of this consideration are as follows.1. The contents of the actual conditions of doping problem under the DDR government are concretely developed.2. The ethical issues that are the problem of doping as ‘Property of the body by others” subsists in these historical facts of doping matters under the DDR government.3. Under the modern concept of Property, especially John Locke’s concept of Property of his / her own Person, it is concluded that the problem of ‘Property of his / her own Person by others’ is not admitted in the basis of personal nature.
松田 太希
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.38, no.1, pp.23-35, 2016 (Released:2016-11-01)
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From now, we did not give much attention to issues of violence, especially corporal punishments. Osaka Sakuranomiya high school incident made us reflect on our attitude. Suzuki has presented a statement urging our self-purification. The statement fills out with the spirit urging our self-reflection. But, what on earth, how could we take notice of problems of violences include the corporal punishments. This doubt leads us to think about what research on violence should be. Violence has inherently hiding nature and wriggle in a invisible phase. research on violence of violence should take notice of this phase. Then, this paper stands on viewpoint of violent. This viewpoint is a position that grasping the bud connecting with violent phenomena in daily relations among players. The purpose of this paper is to describe how daily relations among players produce acts of violence among players standing on viewpoint of violent. Daily relations among players are made up by what called Freud identification. This is the mind bond is made up by playerʼs finding important similarity with each other in point of administration to their coaches. This identification notion leads us to Girard’s theory on violence. Freud’s identification and Girard’s mimetic desire explain the same situation in different order, and Girard describes the mimetic desire produce the triangle desire as opposing human relations. This relation will get worse by appearing a charismatic coach and producing the scarcity of desired object as the environment. In this situation, not only sudden violence and violent language but also bullying and brutal beating inflicted by a group will occur.
大峰 光博
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.37, no.2, pp.147-154, 2015

In this study, I focus on responsibility of supporters of Urawa Reds and Shimizu S-Pulse in the behind-closed-doors game of Urawa Reds versus Shimizu S-Pulse and aiming to clarify the issue of the behind-closed-doors game. Mainly on four following points by Omine and Tomozoe (2014), collective responsibility of supporters of Urawa Reds and Shimizu S-Pulse were considered. <br/>1. The individual of a group have an opportunity to oppose the practice without facing any serious risk or not. <br/>2. The individual of a group have an opportunity to oppose the practice by appealing to the knowledge readily available to its members or not. <br/>3. The individual of a group have an opportunity to oppose the practice in the sense that doing so would be completely futile or not. <br/>4. The individual of a group accept the practice without opposing it or not. <br/>As a result, supporters of Urawa Reds were different in responsibility depending on the viewpoints, but the point that responsibility is shouldered to the act of racial discrimination by certain supporters of Urawa Reds made it clear. On the other hand, the point that supporters of Shimizu S-Pulse have no responsibility for the act of racial discrimination by certain supporters of Urawa Reds made it clear. Therefore, it was concluded that the behind-closed-doors game was the disposal to which J. League sacrifices the minority who doesnt shoulder the responsibility.
重松 大
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.31, no.1, pp.27-44, 2009

The purpose of this paper is to understand &ldquo;seeing&rdquo; sports by interpreting Hasumi's &ldquo;criticism on sports&rdquo; through Wittgenstein's arguments on &ldquo;aspect&rdquo;. In arguing on &ldquo;aspect&rdquo;, Wittgenstein showed some figures such as &ldquo;duck-rabbit&rdquo;, &ldquo;double cross&rdquo; and a &ldquo;triangle&rdquo; which we can see as two or more different things. In this paper we pointed out three important features of such arguments as follows:<br>1) If you want to tell someone what aspect you see, you should say &ldquo;I see it as...&rdquo; rather than &ldquo;I see this&rdquo; pointing at it with your finger.<br>2) Seeing an aspect is not a &ldquo;perception of a property of a thing&rdquo; but &ldquo;perception of a thing&rdquo;, so it is a matter of &ldquo;what it is&rdquo;.<br>3) When you see a thing, it is in a context of familiarity that you know what that thing is. This is called &ldquo;context-ladenness of perception&rdquo;.<br>From such viewpoints, we can interpret Hasumi's words &ldquo;see movement as movement&rdquo; as &ldquo;see an aspect of movement&rdquo; or &ldquo;see movement in its nature&rdquo;. When we see a movement or a play in fascination, we see it in this way. This is distinguished from seeing just the result of the movement, which is external to the movement.<br>However, Hasumi's word &ldquo;<i>movement</i>&rdquo; seems to be vague and to have multiple meanings. It can be aptly and consistently understood as &ldquo;movement seen in its nature&rdquo; or, in Wittgenstein's terminology, in its &ldquo;inner relation&rdquo;. This is a kind of circular argument but it is the essential nature of the structure of our perception i.e. &ldquo;context-ladenness of perception&rdquo;.<br>We can also point out that although Hasumi is a &ldquo;nonprofessional&rdquo;, not an athlete or a coach or even a professional sport critic, he sees <i>movement</i>. Nevertheless, there is a difference between a professional and nonprofessional in what they see. A professional sees an event in the sport with more knowledge compare to a nonprofessional. Knowledge here is the context of the event, and we can understand this as that they see different things from the viewpoint of &ldquo;context-ladenness of perception&rdquo;. Through acquiring more knowledge and practice with using it, we can see sports in the same way as a professional.<br>In short, of our perception is there a structure of &ldquo;context-ladenness&rdquo; and thus we can say as follows.<br>1) Seeing sports is seeing sports itself in its inner relation to the context.<br>2) A nonprofessional can see sports as well as a professional but in a sense they see different things because their knowledge, which are parts of the context, are different.
髙尾 尚平
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.40, no.1, pp.35-52, 2018 (Released:2018-10-01)

This paper aims to (1) show the role of the violence done by coaches, which is referred to as corporal punishment within sport coaching, and (2) clarify the influence of this violence on players. For aim (1), the author examined the stages of sport coaching, they were connected to Bateson’s theory of leaning. The results revealed that in coaching, there is a stage involving an attempt to release players from their existing views and habits and make them transcend those views and habits. In this paper, this stage is prescribed as “transcendence II.” For the second aim, this paper considered the meaning of violence in human beings from the viewpoint of Bataille’s theory of violence. Referring to that theory, the author showed the condition and role of violence within sport coaching and its influence on players.In conclusion, it is demonstrated that violence done by coaches is part of the “transcendence II” stage in sport coaching. Moreover, this paper finds such violence by coaches shatters player’s existing views and habits and can force players to change their view on sport. Therefore, the violence done by coaches should not be seen as unrelated to sport coaching but must be understood as part of the work of the “transcendence II” stage. This study points out that future solutions and ethical discussion of this issue should be carried out based on this understanding.
重松 大
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.31, no.1, pp.27-44, 2009 (Released:2012-12-17)

The purpose of this paper is to understand “seeing” sports by interpreting Hasumi's “criticism on sports” through Wittgenstein's arguments on “aspect”. In arguing on “aspect”, Wittgenstein showed some figures such as “duck-rabbit”, “double cross” and a “triangle” which we can see as two or more different things. In this paper we pointed out three important features of such arguments as follows:1) If you want to tell someone what aspect you see, you should say “I see it as...” rather than “I see this” pointing at it with your finger.2) Seeing an aspect is not a “perception of a property of a thing” but “perception of a thing”, so it is a matter of “what it is”.3) When you see a thing, it is in a context of familiarity that you know what that thing is. This is called “context-ladenness of perception”.From such viewpoints, we can interpret Hasumi's words “see movement as movement” as “see an aspect of movement” or “see movement in its nature”. When we see a movement or a play in fascination, we see it in this way. This is distinguished from seeing just the result of the movement, which is external to the movement.However, Hasumi's word “movement” seems to be vague and to have multiple meanings. It can be aptly and consistently understood as “movement seen in its nature” or, in Wittgenstein's terminology, in its “inner relation”. This is a kind of circular argument but it is the essential nature of the structure of our perception i.e. “context-ladenness of perception”.We can also point out that although Hasumi is a “nonprofessional”, not an athlete or a coach or even a professional sport critic, he sees movement. Nevertheless, there is a difference between a professional and nonprofessional in what they see. A professional sees an event in the sport with more knowledge compare to a nonprofessional. Knowledge here is the context of the event, and we can understand this as that they see different things from the viewpoint of “context-ladenness of perception”. Through acquiring more knowledge and practice with using it, we can see sports in the same way as a professional.In short, of our perception is there a structure of “context-ladenness” and thus we can say as follows.1) Seeing sports is seeing sports itself in its inner relation to the context.2) A nonprofessional can see sports as well as a professional but in a sense they see different things because their knowledge, which are parts of the context, are different.
坂本 拓弥
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.39, no.2, pp.121-136, 2017 (Released:2018-05-02)
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This paper provides a new contention, which could be needed for developing the anti-doping education in Japan, through the critical consideration about its present situation. For this purpose, the question, “why do athletes choose doping?”, is explored from the perspective of Girard’s theory of desire. This theory suggests that the competitive sport includes the desire for victory and that the desire could paralyze the judgement of athlete with extravagance. Girard points that human desire is the “triangular” desire as a mimetic one and it means that the desire of a subject is not linear to an object but the mimesis of the mediator’s desire. In the position that the essence of competitive sport is the competition, the essence is equal to the desire for victory. Therefore, in the competitive sport, athletes have the desire for victory which is mimetic desire of the opposition. Moreover, the mediator also mimics the subject’s desire and its mediation form is called as the reciprocal mediation. This mediation form becomes “the hell of reciprocal mediation” in the case in which the spiritual distance between the subject and the mediator is close, and it builds the hostile relation between an athlete and the opposition. This relation makes the athlete to have the cognition which wants to just defeat the opposition rather than to win the game or match. Hence, in the hell of reciprocal mediation, an athlete chooses doping with paralyzing her sense of reality which is willing to follow the written rule or the spirit of fair play in competitive sport. Finally it is presented that, in anti-doping education, athletes themselves have to recognize the risk of the triangular desire in competitive sport.
照屋 太郎
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.32, no.2, pp.83-98, 2010 (Released:2012-12-17)

The purpose of this study is to clarify what is the meaning of “the real strength” of a person. This paper is based on the literatures written about the stage of Masters of Budo, and Geido. This stage is called by the name of “Mushin”. · How can we live, not as a creature but as a human being? · What is “the real thing” for a person? · What is “the essential strength” of a person?When we answer these questions from the standpoint of thinking about Mushin, we can say that “the real strength” of a person is “the strength of the person who is trying to live honestly with oneself”. This “oneself” means one's movement of the mind that is the essence of a person. To have “the real strength” of a person means to live honestly with “oneself”.When we think about the dimension in which there is “the real strength” of a person, it seems that the dimension has an axis that tells us “the depth of the spirit”. We can say that to have physical ability, physique, knowledge, skill, or so, is one of the “strength”. When we think about the dimension in which there are those “strength”, it seems that the dimension has no axis of “the depth of the spirit”. So, “the real strength” of a person is different in the dimension in which it exists to those “strength”.There is the Japanese old legend of the sword that is called by the name of “Masamune”. “Masamune” cut only the thing that the sword should cut. The person who has “the real strength” of a person seems like “Masamune”.
大峰 光博
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.37, no.2, pp.147-154, 2015 (Released:2016-03-18)
1 1

In this study, I focus on responsibility of supporters of Urawa Reds and Shimizu S-Pulse in the behind-closed-doors game of Urawa Reds versus Shimizu S-Pulse and aiming to clarify the issue of the behind-closed-doors game. Mainly on four following points by Omine and Tomozoe (2014), collective responsibility of supporters of Urawa Reds and Shimizu S-Pulse were considered. 1. The individual of a group have an opportunity to oppose the practice without facing any serious risk or not. 2. The individual of a group have an opportunity to oppose the practice by appealing to the knowledge readily available to its members or not. 3. The individual of a group have an opportunity to oppose the practice in the sense that doing so would be completely futile or not. 4. The individual of a group accept the practice without opposing it or not. As a result, supporters of Urawa Reds were different in responsibility depending on the viewpoints, but the point that responsibility is shouldered to the act of racial discrimination by certain supporters of Urawa Reds made it clear. On the other hand, the point that supporters of Shimizu S-Pulse have no responsibility for the act of racial discrimination by certain supporters of Urawa Reds made it clear. Therefore, it was concluded that the behind-closed-doors game was the disposal to which J. League sacrifices the minority who doesn't shoulder the responsibility.