Yuka Hamada Takuma Yanaoka Kyoko Kashiwabara Kuran Kurata Ryo Yamamoto Susumu Kanno Tomonori Ando Masashi Miyashita
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.30, no.4, pp.625-629, 2018 (Released:2018-04-20)

[Purpose] This study examined the effects of gum chewing while walking on physical and physiological functions. [Subjects and Methods] This study enrolled 46 male and female participants aged 21–69 years. In the experimental trial, participants walked at natural paces for 15 minutes while chewing two gum pellets after a 1-hour rest period. In the control trial, participants walked at natural paces for 15 minutes after ingesting powder containing the same ingredient, except the gum base, as the chewing gum. Heart rates, walking distances, walking speeds, steps, and energy expenditure were measured. [Results] Heart rates during walking and heart rate changes (i.e., from at rest to during walking) significantly increased during the gum trial compared with the control trial. Walking distance, walking speed, walking heart rate, and heart rate changes in male participants and walking heart rate and heart rate changes in female participants were significantly higher during the gum trial than the control trial. In middle-aged and elderly male participants aged ≥40 years, walking distance, walking speed, steps, and energy expenditure significantly increased during the gum trial than the control trial. [Conclusion] Gum chewing while walking measurably affects physical and physiological functions.


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A new study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, shows you can upgrade your walking (or any exercise) with this one trick: *Chewing Gum* Chewing a stick of gum is enough to both elevate heart rate & calories burned. https://t.co/yVHiZaCh5d #fitness #health https://t.co/BazXsMrsDz
J-STAGE Articles - The effects of gum chewing while walking on physical and physiological functions https://t.co/Dc8XQ8pmns
Un #Estudio japonés demuestra que mascar #chicle mientras se #camina aumenta la frecuencia cardiaca, la velocidad de marcha, los pasos y la #Energia consumida con respecto al grupo control, por lo que ayudaría a perder #peso. #obesidad
Японские (странно, что не британские) учёные выяснили, что если жевать жвачку во время ходьбы, то увеличивается сердцебиение и сжигается больше калорий. https://t.co/LCN7ugasMF https://t.co/FaGjsIuKdp
SPOILER: No. El pésimo paper que citan no llega a esa conclusión. https://t.co/Sql5pcyxdv https://t.co/Omt8ZXlHlG
@idokius @kann_news https://t.co/TCWY6AkmQi
Health and physiological benefits of gum chewing. Small sample. Especially for people over 40. More effect for older males. Need for replication. Or at least mastication. https://t.co/UYWIWes4mi

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