Szu-Ping Lee Ya-Ting Hsu Betina Bair Marissa Toberman Lung-Chang Chien
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.30, no.6, pp.855-861, 2018 (Released:2018-06-12)
10 23

[Purpose] To investigate the prevalence of neck and shoulder symptoms during the use of tablet computer, and to identify the risk factors associated with these symptoms. [Subjects and Methods] A cross-sectional survey was conducted to study tablet computer usage, posture during use, and neck and shoulder symptoms in 412 participants in a school setting. Significant risk factors for musculoskeletal symptoms during tablet computer use were identified. [Results] Overall prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms during tablet computer use was 67.9% with greater prevalence of neck symptoms (neck: 84.6%; shoulder/upper extremity: 65.4%). Significant risk factors associated with symptoms during use were: current musculoskeletal symptoms, gender, roles, and postural factors including: sitting without back support, sitting with device in lap, and lying on the side and on the back during tablet computer use. A multivariate analysis further showed that the odds for females to have symptoms were 2.059 times higher than males. [Conclusion] The findings revealed that female gender and other postural factors were significantly associated with musculoskeletal symptoms during the use of tablet computer. Among all postural factors, sitting without back support was identified as the most important risk factor for having musculoskeletal symptoms.


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@KaeptnKeks Such mal nach Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz etc... u.a. findet man dann so was: https://t.co/vxLfKJ4iis deutsche Kurzfassung via Presseartikel: https://t.co/6oXo5g7S2p
Pour avoir accès à l'étude de physiothérapeutes et chercheurs de l'université du Nevada à Las Vegas / femmes, usages des tablettes et TMS, publiée dans The Journal of Physical Therapy Science... Bonne lecture #posture https://t.co/YgEbvq7z3S https://t.co/37oDQmENfO
#Neck and shoulder problems linked to chronic device use affect women more than twice as often as men. Young adults are also at increased risk https://t.co/japih4vgI4

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