安 婷婷 永井 智
コミュニティ心理学研究 (ISSN:13428691)
vol.23, no.1, pp.34-51, 2019-09-30 (Released:2020-09-30)

This research investigates distinctions between Japanese students and Chinese international students regarding their help-seeking processes and the factors that affect their decisions toward help-seeking. Prior research shows that Chinese students are reluctant to seek help for mental health problems; however, there has not been an investigation into the factors affecting help-seeking. In this study, both Japanese and Chinese students were presented with scenarios depicting depression and asked about their recognition of the severity of the symptoms and their help-seeking behaviors. Questionnaires also included the SDS (Self-rating Depression Scale), mental health literacy scale, and the social support scale. The results showed that low SDS scores and high levels of social support had a positive effect on both Japanese and Chinese students’ help-seeking. However, for Chinese students, family support and life events factor influenced the most steps of the decision making toward help-seeking, while for Japanese students, different factors influenced different steps of their decision making about help-seeking. Overall, this research showed the necessity of examining the difference between Chinese international students and Japanese students with consideration of the differences; this being despite the common view that they both are associated under the umbrella of Asian culture.


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「抑うつ状況における中国人留学生の援助要請行動のプロセスの関連要因:日本語学校の中国人留学生と日本人大学生の比較より」 https://t.co/9qXlarVAUv

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