山川 勝史 岩崎 遼一 細谷 直人 松野 謙一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
年次大会 2013 (ISSN:24242667)
pp._G051035-1-_G051035-4, 2013-09-08 (Released:2017-06-19)

In this paper, numerical simulation for influenza infection was conducted using difference between air-flow course and virus-moving course. An alteration of radius of virus droplet changes sedimentation velocity. Then, the radius is affected by temperature and humidity around droplets. Flying virus drops may combine to other droplets. The repetition of the combination between droplets affects the sedimentation velocity of the droplet. Furthermore, using survival rate of influenza virus and human resistance, more realistic simulation is enabled. In this paper, the effectiveness of the method was shown carrying out infection simulation in an indoor environment.


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@SatoruNorinaga こちらがビンゴですね。部屋の気流計算で室内のウィルスの拡散状況を調べた論文です。 https://t.co/843HocsilN

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