一般社団法人 日本移植学会
移植 (ISSN:05787947)
vol.50, no.2-3, pp.138-155, 2015-07-31 (Released:2015-08-07)

A number of 1,598 kidney transplants including 1,471 from living donors, 42 from non-heart-beating donors and 85 from heart-beating donors were performed in 2014 in Japan. The data obtained from the Japanese Renal Transplant Registry are shown and analyzed in this annual report. The characteristics of recipients and donors such as relationships, original diseases, duration of dialysis therapy, blood transfusion, the status of viral antigens and antibodies, pretransplant complications, the causes of death of deceased donors, ischemic time and the histocompatibilities are described. In addition, immunosuppressants used initially and other treatments are analyzed. We also reported the results of follow-up survey for living donors.


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