川本 竜彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:24330590)
vol.35, no.1, pp.41-56, 1990-04-14 (Released:2018-01-15)

The Kannabe monogenetic volcano group is situated in the back-arc region of southwest Japan and is composed of six scoria cones (Nishiki, Yamanomiya, Buri, Otsukue, Kiyotaki and Kannabe) and one scoria bed (Nishibashi-kita). Stratigraphic relationships between various groups of ejecta are inferred from the tephrochronology of fall scoriae and widespread tephra. With the exception of Yamanomiya and Kiyotaki, the volcanic activity began with the formation of scoriae and ended with a phase of lava flow extrusion. No such lava flows are developed in either Yamanomiya or Kiyotaki. The volcanic activity of the Kannabe volcano group mainly took place prior to 21,000-22,000 y. B. P. with the exception of the Kannabe scoria cone itself, which was active before 6,000-6,500 y. B. P. In the vicinity of the Yamanomiya scoria cone, a new debris avalanche deposit has been discovered. This consists mainly of blocks of the Yamanomiya scoria cone, which preserve their original stratification defined by preferential alignment of scoriae and spatters.


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神鍋山は、単性火山群の一つで、6個のスコリア丘の一つで一番最後に活動したスコリア丘とされています。その時期は、A-Tn(2万2千年前)の降下期からK-Ah(6500年前)の降下期の間と考えられています。 川本(1990)神鍋単成火山群の地質 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kazanc/35/1/35_KJ00003270897/_pdf 山陰に特徴 ...

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