大谷 道輝
日本香粧品学会誌 (ISSN:18802532)
vol.38, no.2, pp.96-102, 2014-06-30 (Released:2015-07-24)

There are many cases where patients use ointments inappropriately. One of the reasons is that there are only few studies about ointments. Even medical package insert of ointments does not give specific instructions about usage and dosage. For moisturizers, the number of times to apply to the skin is one to a few times, but not clearly specified. There has not been many studies done on the relationship between the number of times applied to the skin and the efficacy of the moisturizers. In the past, ointments were applied after bathing. However, recent studies have shown that there is no significant difference between applying just after bathing and after few hours. There are many cases where ointments are used together with other ointments. In these cases, ointments are often mixed together. However, there are only a few studies done on the permeability of ointments which are mixed. Overglazing is also very popular, but there has been no study done on the order of application and permeability. For these reasons, further study will be needed to properly use ointments.


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<参考文献> https://t.co/im9J6FR1Jv https://t.co/K06t9fgXZK https://t.co/veiwFMhO5C ※引用ツイートツリー先の参考文献も併せてご参照ください。 ※COIは有りません。 ※アフィリエイトリンクは使用しておりません。
こちらがその論文です。 保湿剤、皮膚科外用剤の適正な利用や理解の周知がまだまだされてないよね!というお話。参考になる〜。 https://t.co/uYKeosElWX
@cheburashka5695 @d98uzRyZ675rZ2f こちらですね。 大谷道輝. 外用剤の適正使用の問題点. 日本香粧品学会誌. 38(2)96-102.2014 https://t.co/kB5Cf0zZEZ

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