佐野 朋美
日本香粧品学会誌 (ISSN:18802532)
vol.44, no.4, pp.314-319, 2020-12-31 (Released:2021-12-31)

Sleep accounts for about one-third of life time, its physiological phenomena are indispensable for maintaining and improving the quality of life such as resting of the brain, recovery of the mind and body. In recent years, many studies have revealed that sleep and general health are closely related. The social and economic loss caused by sleep problems in Japan is estimated to be 15 trillion yen a year, and the social significance of improving sleep is great. In this paper, we will report on the development of “Foods with Function Claims” that improves the quality of sleep, focusing on the findings of “Sake Yeast GSP6” and its effect of sleep improvement. Sake yeast is necessary for the production of sake, and has been eaten as a food such as Kasujiru (a soup containing sake yeast) and Kasuzuke (pickles containing sake yeast). We also demonstrate that daily ingestion of Sake Yeast GSP6 enhances sleep quality, which in turn, improves skin quality, as indicated by an improvement in cheek collagen density, skin elasticity, and TEWL. These results suggest that sleep improvement by taking sake yeast supplements is an effective way to preserve skin health.


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