朴 ソプ
農業経済研究 (ISSN:03873234)
vol.64, no.4, pp.195-204, 1993-03-25 (Released:2018-11-01)

This paper analyzes how the Korean farmers responded to the changes of agricultural conditions, and as the results, how the route of rice sale changed. The object of study is cooperative sale of unhulled rice, the general form of farmers-selling rice in colonial Korea. Until the 1920s, most farmers sold the unhulled rice to rice merchants in their own home. But with the fall of rice price, farmers had to minimize the loss. So the cooperative sale and farmers' sale of their product through regional shopping centers appeared newly. In the 1930s, the Government-General's policy of distribution-rationalization, the operation of examination in unhulled rice, and the construction of storehouse for agricultural product, increased cooperative sale. The form, the price, the quantity, and the stratums of cooperative sale can be summed up as follows. (1) The organizer of cooperative sale was the Aricultural Association of Korea. And the customers were rice exporters or rice-cleaning millers. (2) The price of cooperative sale was higher than the market price by ¥0.5-1.0. (3) Rice sold in cooperative sale amounted to 8,205,000 tons in 1939. (4) Total number of farmers who joined to cooperative sale was 650,000 in 1939. And small-scale farmers also joined to that. In the 1920s, rice sales were dominated entirely-by the route of farmer/unmodernized landlord-broker-rice merchant-rice exporter or rice-cleaning miller, and modernized landlord-rice exporter or rice-cleaning miller. But in the 1930s, new route of farmer/landlord-organization for agriculture-rice exporter or rice-cleaning miller appeared and spread.


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@ekesete1 日本は米を輸出するほど米の自給率は高かったが人口増加と干害が原因なだけ https://t.co/kjouVJpstk >日本政府は米穀の充分な供給を楽観して,国家総動員法が実施された 1938年までも植民地米の増産と日本への移出を抑制していたが, 1939年の干害を契機に政策を変化させた. https://t.co/ylMXAlIBzL https://t.co/rjUNZ2fjYU
@ekesete1 日本は干害が起きるまでは朝鮮から日本への米の移出を抑える政策を取っていた。価格が暴落するから当然ではあるが。 https://t.co/kjouVJpstk https://t.co/d9j6XdbHoI

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