行正 徹
バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会大会講演論文集 31 (ISSN:13451510)
pp.99-101, 2018-11-03 (Released:2021-02-01)

The brain science has developed recently. We know many methods to imaging of not only the shape of the brain but also the function of that. In spite of progress in the research of this field, it has not been able to treat the consciousness successfully. In science, we usually have the assumption that the objects exist independently from our consciousness. However, the consciousness has itself as the object. This situation leads us to some difficulty. Therefore, it is very puzzling to research this field scientifically. In this report, we discuss the possibility of applying the quantum theory to the science of the consciousness compared with general relativity. But our consideration about this issue is only the beginning. We should develop the research of this field.


外部データベース (DOI)

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