Akira Kido Shozo Yoshida Emiko Shimoda Yukako Ishida Masatoshi Hasegawa Hiroshi Kobayashi Kanya Honoki Hirosei Horikawa Yasuhito Tanaka
The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine
Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine (ISSN:24321354)
vol.1, pp.20160009, 2016 (Released:2016-12-21)

Objective: Radiotherapy is an essential component of curative or palliative therapy for patients with uterine cervical cancer. Although advances in radiotherapy have led to longer survival, survivors may consequently be at risk of pelvic insufficiency fracture (PIF). We retrospectively reviewed medical records and clinical outcomes to assess the impact of PIF on walking disability. Methods: Between January 2002 and December 2009, 145 uterine cancer patients treated with radiotherapy in our hospital were reviewed. Among these, 15 patients (10.3%) were diagnosed with PIF. The types of fractures were identified according to the AO/OTA classification system. Medical records were examined to establish the time to first diagnosis of PIF, the type of fracture, and clinical outcomes. Disability was assessed using Barthel index mobility scores. Results: The median time to PIF detection was 16 months. Of the 15 patients with PIF, 14 had type B fractures (7 cases of B2 and 7 cases of B3) and 1 had a type C fracture. Among 11 patients with pelvic pain, 6 achieved pain control but 5 patients with bilateral lesions in the posterior arch or lateral compression of the sacrum developed pain that finally resulted in walking disability and a lower performance status. Conclusions: PIF causes severe motor disturbance in patients with unstable fracture types. Routine imaging checkups were useful during the 5 years after completion of radiotherapy; in nine patients the fracture progressed for longer than 1 year. In cancer rehabilitation for PIF patients, continuous assessment is essential for predicting walking disability.


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Walking Disability in Patients with Pelvic Insufficiency Fracture after Radiotherapy for Uterine Cervical Cancer https://t.co/j3QOM5lBFF #CervicalCancerAwarenessMonth #CancerRehab

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