久保田 哲也
公益社団法人 砂防学会
砂防学会誌 (ISSN:02868385)
vol.48, no.1, pp.3-11, 1995-05-15 (Released:2010-04-30)

Since most Sabo facilities like check dams and channel works are more or less at the site of natural beauty, planning and design of environmental free facility is coming very important recent years. Under this condition, landscape planning is adopted in many cases especially for the ones at national park. In order to accomplish landscape planning that has the aim of natural landscape conservation, however, consideration on “sensescape” including “smellscape” as well as “soundscape” is needed. In mountatinous area in which Sabo Works are necessary, smellscape is mainly consists of forest fragrance. Hence, to conserve the smellscape is simply conserve or restore the forest around the facilities. On the other hand, to conserved soundscape means design of falling water sound or sound of the flow over them.In this study, the focus is put on this soundscape, and its basic characteristics is studied here using sound power spectrum analysis. And the results insist that Sabo facilities have less “bland soundscape” than natural falls or torrents which have sound characteristic abounds in high frequency as well as 1/f fluctuation in their power spectrum, whereas stone made Sabo dams have bland sound similar to the natural ones.Therefore the basic data for soundscape design of Sabo facilities for “bland soundscape” are gained in this study.


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#課題中知識共有 自然の音が気持ちいいとされる「1/fゆらぎ」を持つ理由が自然の複雑性によるものかもしれない。 自然の滝と人工の滝のサウンドエスケープにおける比較↓ chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/https://t.co/LLzckIoh34

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