伊東 治己
四国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:09145850)
vol.34, pp.1-15, 2014 (Released:2020-01-07)

A number of years have passed since the school education in Finland came to attract a lot of attention from people engaged in school education throughout the world due to her 15-year-old pupils’ successful performance in PISA organised and conducted by OECD every three years since 2000. Since it is not targeted in PISA, English language education in Finland has not attracted much attention but it is noteworthy that Finland has been highly successful in English language education as well, as is reflected in the results of TOEFL, which nowadays functions as a sort of international index of English language proficiency. In order to find the reason for this success, a number of studies have been conducted by the present researcher. The present study focuses on English learners’ perceptions about English and English language learning and teaching, and reports the results of the questionnaire studies which were carried out to compare the results between Finnish and Japanese upper secondary school pupils with a view to offering implications for the reform of English language education in Japan.


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