平山 英夫 松村 宏 波戸 芳仁 佐波 俊哉
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.14, no.1, pp.1-11, 2015 (Released:2015-02-15)
2 9

Time histories of the I-131 concentration in air at monitoring posts in Fukushima prefecture in March 2011 were estimated using the pulse height distribution of a NaI(Tl) detector, which was opened to the public. Several corrections to the pulse height distribution were necessary owing to high count rates. The contribution to the count rates from I-131 accumulated around the monitoring post was estimated on the basis of the time history of the peak count rate by the method proposed by the authors. The concentrations of I-131 in air were converted from the peak count rates using the calculated response of the NaI(Tl) detector with egs5 for a model of a plume containing I-131 uniformly. The obtained time histories of the I-131 concentration in air at a fixed point in March 2011 were the first ones for Fukushima prefecture. The results at 3 monitoring posts, Naraha Town Shoukan, Hirono Town Futatunuma and Fukushima City Momijiyama, which can be analyzed during almost all of March, show that a plume including I-131 arrived after March 15. The results at other monitoring posts near Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station are used to characterize plume diffusion at the early period of the accident before March 15. The I-131 time-integrated concentrations in air at several monitoring posts were compared with those given in UNSCEAR 2013 ANNEX A, which were obtained using estimated time-dependent rates of release to the atmosphere. The agreement between the two results varies depending on the places compared, owing to the large uncertainties in the estimated release rate used in UNSCEAR. The results obtained in this study can be used to increase the accuracy of the time-dependent release rate estimation.


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福島県モニタリングポストのNaI(Tl)検出器波高分布データを用いた空気中I-131放射能濃度時間変化の推定 https://t.co/6GZslxMzQb I-131の濃度が最大になる時刻は、 福島市紅葉山15日17~18時 19100Bq/m3 https://t.co/3KJLINq1Px
19~ の平山論文はこちらですね https://t.co/mXQFRHSkrc ATDMのI131推計積算値と比較すると「約2倍から8分の1までの幅」 平山論文のTable4にもUNSCEARとの比較あり。
名無し:02/25 08:37 ID:- 福島県モニタリングポストのNaI(TI)検出器高分布データを用いた空気中I-131放射能濃度時間変化の推定 https://t.co/fsv2abFmuO 高速道路上のガンマ線測定… https://t.co/G0b0IIe6Gl

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