追沼 龍三
The Textile Machinery Society of Japan
繊維機械学会誌 (ISSN:03710580)
vol.41, no.10, pp.P543-P548, 1988-10-25 (Released:2009-10-27)

The effect of stitch length (lu) on the dimensional properties (Uc = Cu × lu, Uw = Wu × lu, Us= Cu × Wu×lu2Uc/Uw = Cu/Wu, and t/l, where lu is the total length in the SKC, Cu is courss/uint fabric length, Wu is wales /unit width the SKC is the smallest repeating unit of the structure, t is the fabric thickness, and l is the loop length), the porosity P (%), the air permeability V (cc/cm2/sec), the thermal retaining propertyH (%), the bending length L (mm), and the tensile breaking strength S (kgf) and elongation E (%) of the 1 X 1 rib fabric knitted from a cotton yarn (c30s/l) is investigated experimentally.The results obtained are as follows : (1) Us is approximately constant, but Uc, Uw, and Uc/Uw are dependent on 1/lu or the fabric tightness K (=n√T/lu, where n is the number of loops in the SKC and T is the yarn linear density in tex). (2) t/l and the weight per unit area of fabric increase with the increase of 1/lu or K.(3) The increase of lu increases P and V, but decreases H.(4) L in each direction (the course (0°), bias (45°), and wale (90°) directions) decreases with the increase of lu. For all lu, L increases with the increase of the angle to the course direction.(5) S in each direction (the course, 22.5°, 45°, 67.5°, and wale directions) decreases with the increase of lu. The strenght efficiency of fabric is about 40% in both the course and wale directions.(6) The increase of lu increases E in the course, 22.5°, and 45° directions, but decreases E in the 67.5° and wale directions. For all lu, E decreases with the increase of the angle to the course direction.


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