加藤 護
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.70, pp.153-160, 2017-09-10 (Released:2017-10-11)

An MJMA 6.7 (Mw 6.2) earthquake occurred in Northern Nagano, Japan, on November 22, 2014. While the damage in the city center of Nagano was relatively minor, 65 stone lanterns, among 182, standing in the precinct of the Zenkoji Temple, approximately 25 km from the epicenter, were toppled by the ground motion of this earthquake. Damage of the surrounding residential area was minor. Directions of the collapse were dominantly in the north-south. Strong motion seismograms recorded at nearby JMA Nagano Local Meteorological Observatory were rich in high frequency, especially in the NS component, which explains collapse of stone objects whose natural periods are few tenths of a second. Similar damage was documented in a historic earthquake in 1714, and recurrence of such damage implies that high frequency ground motions from large earthquakes in this epicentral area have been repeated threats to the Zenkoji Temple and Nagano City.


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@airi_fact_555 これは明らかな間違いです。過去に大量の灯籠が崩壊してます。 2014年の長野県の地震(M6.7、最大震度6弱)では善光寺の180の灯籠のうち1/3以上が崩壊しています。 https://t.co/8KYMqbBMbN

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