小林 芳正
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.32, no.1, pp.57-73, 1979-03-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
2 2

The Great Kanto earthquake, 1923, triggered a catastrophic debris flow which devastated the village of Nebukawa with a loss of 300 to 400 lives. The buried area at Nebukawa is determined by synthesizing eyewitness accounts, photographs, the character of surface soils, etc. The moment of rushing at Nebukawa is estimated at about 5 minutes after the mainshock onset from the eyewitness accounts and aftershock records. The temporal change in topography in the mountain region is investigated by comparing topography maps prior and after the earthquake, and a probable source of the debris flow is assumed at a large depressed area, Obora about 4km upstream Nebukawa. The grain-size distributions of the debris-flow deposits and those of mountain soils are also consistent with this assumption.


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J-STAGE(科学技術情報発信・流通総合システム)アーカイブ資料 PDF 1923年関東大地震による根府川山津波 (1958) 京大防災研 小林 https://t.co/fGBKIaMbo2
神奈川県小田原市根府川(ねぶがわ)なう 関東大震災で上流の山の一角が崩壊し山津波が発生、集落400人以上が犠牲に。そして河口で遊泳中だった児童約20人は山津波と海の津波に挟まれ犠牲に 岩に掘られたお釈迦さ様は無傷、目の上にいらっしゃったのが土砂で埋もれ地下に 参考 https://t.co/8DXTViQ1Pv https://t.co/TWiC0gVw4r

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