Daniel Berglind, PhD (@DanielBerglind)


Physical activity is associated with a lower risk of mortality from heart failure; but, no association when excluding heart failure deaths for the first 5, 10, and 15 years for walking time and 10 and 15 years for sports participation (reverse causation?): https://t.co/F4c5sWjgyl
Higher grip strength and greater vertical jump capacity are associated with a lower incidence of dyslipidemia: https://t.co/PRsgze70Eq
When walking, make sure to chew your gum, multi-tasking at its prime
Consuming carbohydrates at the end of a meal is associated with lower postprandial excursions of glucose and insulin: https://t.co/xW4VDRkYUC


Association of knee extensor muscle strength and cardiorespiratory fitness with bone stiffness in Japanese adults: A cross-sectional study (open access) https://t.co/KBsm5AYAA6 #exercise #Workout #TrainHard #GymLife #GymTime #muscle #strength #lift #GetStrong #cardio #hiit
Effects of Dietary Fat Restriction on Endurance Training-induced Metabolic Adaptations in Rat Skeletal Muscle (open access) https://t.co/GIcQ4m67L8 #nutrition #diet #exercise #Workout #TrainHard #GymLife #GymTime #muscle #strength #lift #GetStrong #cardio #hiit

