Yuki's (@0617north) paper published. We analyzed uncertainty in extreme flood estimation using d4PDF. i.e. How much uncertainty in “N” of “N-year flood”. For example, 1000 year flood estimated by 60 year data could be 200-2500 years due to sampling error.
Yuki Kita's paper published online on SUISUI Journal (JSHWR). We discussed a potential of using CaMa-Flood for Flood Hazard Layer in Japan, by comparing CaMa-Flood output against national flood hazard map. https://t.co/Di7Y3B0ueM
Our review paper on “Why does the world move toward Carbon Neutrality?” was published on SUISUI Journal (in Japanese). We reviewed various activities in multiple sectors, and analyzed how the recent movement for carbon-neutral was pushed by society. https://t.co/mktK9UDjge
A paper on global flood hazard map comparison was published on SUISUI journal (in Japanese). It's a collaboration work with Prof Hirabayashi in Shibaura Tech, and Yamazaki and Mr. Yuki Ishikawa (master student) co-wrote it.
A new article on Importance of communication on using Ensemble Flood Forecast by Dr. Watanabe and Mr Ito, just published on JSHWR! Congrats, Mugumi!!