Hao Yin (@HaoYin20)


RT @HaoYin20: Fucci5 Fluorescent Ubiquitination-based Cell-Cycle Indicator Distinguish G1 vs S vs G2/M phase of Live cells
Fucci5 Fluorescent Ubiquitination-based Cell-Cycle Indicator Distinguish G1 vs S vs G2/M phase of Live cells
RT @NPeppas: "Biomimetic Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Systems to Overcome Biological Barriers for Therapeutic Applications" by Tatsuya Fukuta…
In fact, Angiotensin II is reported to activate #YAP activity in aortic wall, via modulating MST1/2 (Dr. Venkateswaran Subramanian lab, Circ Rep 2021) or PP2A (Dr. Ming-Sheng Zhou lab @FrontPhysiol 2021) https://t.co/TCHux8iJOx https://t.co/NYLyq6yZX6


A circadian rhythm-restricted diet regulates autophagy to improve cognitive function and prolong lifespan https://t.co/QEZJ4t3G5b @jstage_ej https://t.co/7CHlx0Vt9t
We experienced a young man who had myocarditis after his third dose of the Moderna vaccine. There are many unknowns with the COVID-19 vaccine, and myocarditis can occur even after the third dose. By Hiroshi Kawahara https://t.co/qgFRGE0gaw #circ_rep https://t.co/buK7SDAScE
"Biomimetic Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Systems to Overcome Biological Barriers for Therapeutic Applications" by Tatsuya Fukuta & Kentaro Kogure in https://t.co/uxZUbhTjYR https://t.co/70GY9PQw1m
A MUST READ! A wonderful article on "Rewriting the Central Dogma with Synthetic Genetic Polymers" in a hard to find Japanese journal in English. https://t.co/ElKU78dr4n https://t.co/DV3cOplCWU
Our latest report. Persistence of Primitive Lateral Basilovertebral Anastomosis #PLBA with a Ruptured Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery #PICA Aneurysm: A Case Report https://t.co/Na806CNC7S #neuroangiology #embryology https://t.co/UJsC3bbnLW

