ICD Sean (@InCredDis)


RT @kmlawson: Katsumata Senkichirō’s 『笑話集 : 英和対訳』(1901) with English title “Gems of Wit and Humour” is a collection of short anecdotes appa…

2 0 0 0 OA 農業全書 11巻

The Nogyo Zenshou: 1697(Genroku 10). Japan's first text on agriculture, it is still cited to the present. https://t.co/4gf4bcm02l https://t.co/3kaqkpu9rF


A great overview of recent, mainly English-language scholarship on Japanese heritage by Peter Zarrow. Open access at: https://t.co/Ouc4qkBs1V https://t.co/7gkDExr7vX
Wonderful to see "How to Interpret Historical Terms of Medieval Japanese History in Foreign Languages" by Xiaolong Huang is out! I had the pleasure of working with her for a @HistWorkshop session at U Tokyo on translating/interpreting #medieval docs.

