Ryuichi Matsukawa @カテと心不 (@R1Matsu)


RT @JCIRC_IPR: 急性心不全患者におけるSGLT2阻害薬の早期開始は臓リハビリテーションの早期に開始、入院期間の短縮につながった。 By 松川 龍一 @R1Matsu https://t.co/yD5VGbcZ09 #circ_rep #CardioTwitter…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Early initiation of SGLT2 inhibitors ADHF patients was associated with earlier initiation of cardiac rehabilitation and shor…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: In ACS cases with solid lesions, predilatation often would be needed. Predilatation with CB may reduce the incidence of dist…
本日Publishされました! J-STAGE Articles - Use of a Cutting Balloon Reduces the Incidence of Distal Embolism in Acute Coronary Syndrome Requiring Predilatation Before Stenting https://t.co/S2AhzwB3lt


臨床神経生理学-運動単位の発射制御- 患者さんから良く"動きにくい動かしにくい"という訴えありますよね?
高度石灰化などを含んだ前拡張が必要なACSにおいて、Cutting balloonを前拡張に用いるとdistal embolismのリスクを下げられるかもしれない。 By 松川 龍一 @R1Matsu https://t.co/jktH83kFX3 #circ_rep https://t.co/tgSAMFWwSY
In ACS cases with solid lesions, predilatation often would be needed. Predilatation with CB may reduce the incidence of distal embolism. By Ryuichi Matsukawa @R1Matsu https://t.co/UY1Wrv6NEe #circ_rep https://t.co/dlJv81npnb
I am very honored to be recognized as the Best Reviewers Awards for 2021 by Circulation Journal. #circ_j @JCIRC_IPR https://t.co/hpLv4zh0rb

