@Ross_grant Impressive or just self reported decrease in frequency of dizziness?
With Dizziness being a subjective report it can be multifactorial reasons for reporting a reduction. https://t.co/wllbYur7n1
@Mostafa61709593 @timonealpt @adamdobson123 @CWrightPhysio Things are not as we imagine. The role of the Z-joints are to spare the IVD joint from shear force loads, not sure how that is achieved if joints surfaces magically gap? The translation force keeps the articular surfaces in contact.
https://t.co/DFSzOodPmF https://t.co/u5vN6aAeQj
@TheRealZipwolf @AdamMeakins @YouriPhysio Sensory nerve ingrowth, cytokines, and instability of discogenic low back pain: A review
https://t.co/VYajZBHaCm https://t.co/PSFuzDioDP
@TheRealZipwolf @AdamMeakins @YouriPhysio Role of autoimmune response in neuropathic pain of disc herniation.
https://t.co/phEGYiGxBF https://t.co/Of83eQXgeP
@KenTaylorDPT @CGMMaher @PeteOSullivanPT @chadcookpt @MansfieldCody @AdamMeakins @PMintkenDPT @NeilOConnell @TaylorAlanJ @ptreviewer Here you go this is a bad study with a deceptive title. Enjoy
Effectiveness of dry needling versus a classical physiotherapy program in patients with chronic low-back pain: a single-blind, randomized, controlled trial
The effects of cervical traction, cranial rhythmic impulse, and Mckenzie exercise on headache and cervical muscle stiffness in episodic tension-type headache patients https://t.co/QjHbCS0RGj https://t.co/mEyG5VX4q3
“Performing too few sit-to-stand manoeuvrers throughout a day can contribute to strength impairment and limitations in physical activity, with 45 repetitions recommended as a minimum”