Nozomu Inoue Alejandro A. Espinoza Orías Kazuyuki Segami
The Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research
Spine Surgery and Related Research (ISSN:2432261X)
pp.2019-0017, (Released:2019-04-26)

Zygapophyseal, or facet, joints are complicated biomechanical structures in the spine, with a complex three-dimensional (3D) anatomy, variable mechanical functions in different spinal movements, and effects on the overall spine mechanical behavior. The 3D morphology of the facet joint is linked to its biomechanical function. Failure of the biomechanical function of the facet joint leads to osteoarthritic changes in it and is implicated in other spinal disorders such as degenerative spondylolisthesis. Facet joints and intervertebral discs are part of an entity called the spinal motion segment, the three-joint complex, or the articular triad. Functioning together, the structures in the spinal motion segments provide physiological spinal motion, while protecting the spine by preventing activities that can be injurious. Loss of intervertebral disk height associated with disk degeneration affects the mechanical behavior of facet joints. Axial compressive load transmission through the tip of the inferior articular process can occur in the extended position, especially with reduced disk height, which may cause capsular impingement and low back pain. The 3D curvature of the articular surfaces and capsular ligaments play important roles in different spinal positions. In this review article, we will summarize the anatomy of the lumbar facet joint relevant to its biomechanical function and biomechanical behavior under different loading conditions.


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@Mostafa61709593 @timonealpt @adamdobson123 @CWrightPhysio Things are not as we imagine. The role of the Z-joints are to spare the IVD joint from shear force loads, not sure how that is achieved if joints surfaces magically gap? The translation force keeps the articular surfaces in contact. https://t.co/DFSzOodPmF https://t.co/u5vN6aAeQj

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