Tucker Goodrich (@TuckerGoodrich)


@gerdosi @FatEmperor @realDaveFeldman @LDLSkeptic I think this answers your Q: "The postprandial levels of apoB-48, TG, RLP-C, and RLP-TG significantly increased after the intake of a high-fat meal, however there was no postprandial increase in apoB-100 and LDL-C levels (73)." https://t.co/ay267SgfM1 73 is… https://t.co/CGE58dRRkv
@VezoVezir @JabberwockRVA @ChudlyM @williambdamron @SeedOilDsrspctr @RealOilRspctr @drcateshanahan @Mark_Sisson @SolBrah @AlpacaAurelius Japanese are also in the middle of an obesity epidemic. Unlike Americans, they blame seed oils. https://t.co/T2rHJaUltN
@ShortGoesLong @wiseoldguy @TheCarnivoreKid @FrogHarmless @DoctorTro @KenDBerryMD Those folks weren't doing @DrPhilMaffetone style training. I can't recall seeing any study showing a general poor effect on mortality of athletics, except for sumo... "...it was clarified that the high BMI group of wrestlers had a high risk of death." https://t.co/jT5NELFug0
This is crap. Leaky gut has ample evidence in the literature, adrenal fatigue and yeast overgrowth are similar. "Intestinal Candida overgrowth and Candida infection in patients with leukemia: effect of Bifidobacterium administration" https://t.co/3eovHYgNgL MD and PhD.
@EatLandSalmon @tylerwhulett @stefanoschiavi For Japan, early 1980s: "for protein, 1.6 and 0.7 g/kg body weight/day" https://t.co/Tl4HItagNc
@OZmandia @LDLSkeptic @FatEmperor @DumpFred @DaveKeto @JTMarlin77 @DrAseemMalhotra @malcolmken The immune response with or without infection can kick it off: "Sterile inflammatory responses are also implicated in the development of myocardial infarction (MI). "NLRP3 inflammasome as a novel player in myocardial infarction" https://t.co/I83N8dweGi HNE induces NLRP3, too.
"Association between Serum Ferritin and Circulating [oxLDL] Levels in Patients with [T2DM]" "No correlation was detected between ferritin and [LDL-C] concentrations despite the close correlation between LDL-C and oxLDL concentrations..." https://t.co/HaJCjR6RUw
"Abundance of DNA adducts of 4-oxo-2-alkenals, lipid peroxidation-derived highly reactive genotoxins" https://t.co/0aLV1KaeWc #lcl6 HNE ONE
"Circulating [OxLDL] Levels Independently Predict 10-Year Progression of Subclinical Carotid Atherosclerosis: A Community-Based Cohort Study" https://t.co/0E9TYs0yeM
@raphaels7 @puddleg @schulenburgrun @SBakerMD So do Mongolian nomads... "...they often consume a lot of meat, milk and dairy products. It seems that nomads have a low proportion of carbohydrates in their total dietary energy, and our results showed that fasting glucose were lower in nomads." https://t.co/MqEwJcz4Yw
"Role of Supplementary Selenium on the Induction of Insulin Resistance and Oxidative Stress in NSY Mice Fed a High Fat Diet" @puddleg https://t.co/YIB9DVIzTA
"Rel's btwn sugar intake & BMI were not observed..." Sugar Intake and Body Weight in Cambodian and Japanese Children https://t.co/zm80vePK3y
"Soluble Lectin-Like OxLDL Receptor-1 and High-Sen'ty Troponin T as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Acute Coronary Synd." https://t.co/8Whzych1Oo
"ALDH2 [deficiency] Gene Is a Risk Factor for Myocardial Infarction in Japanese Men" https://t.co/lqJxqfLZlE
"Esophageal cancer assc. w/ poor area, diet rich in starchy tubers, & salt, lack of meat, eggs, vegs & rice." https://t.co/BTZ9MZbeVX


