UHM Library Okinawa Coll (@UHMLibOkinawa)


The data (list) is available at NationalDietLibrary @NDLJP_en https://t.co/vo8CkfbkVt (1,188 pages in PDF)
@toranosukev Excellent! Is the original title of the article, 旧宮良殿内板戸絵の現状と展望 (by 喜屋武千恵 and 平良優季)? https://t.co/BITH5pifTn
この装訂が何と呼ばれるかは、@nijlkokubunken の和書のさまざま (Various Japanese Writings), 1 Form and Materials (PDF)を参照ください。https://t.co/bERs2x6SRZ https://t.co/NyRH1t4zew #装訂

5 0 0 0 OA 甘藷百珍

「中南米から世界に広まったサツマイモは、慶長10(1605)年に琉球に伝わり、その後、西日本に広まります」。(rough translation) Sweet potatoes arrived the Ryukyus in 1605, and they were introduced to the western part of Japan.
During the Q&A session, Prof. Azuma refers to Prof. Yao Shōhei (八尾祥平教授)about the Okinawans in Taiwan. パイン産業にみる旧日本帝国圏を越える移動 : ハワイ・台湾・沖縄を中心に (特集 モノと人の移動にみる帝国日本 : 記憶・近代・境域) [in Japanese] https://t.co/EKfPtZASWR
Okinawa wa izuko e [=沖縄は何処へ] / Iha, Fuyū (1876-1947). Notes: Title on cover: Okinawa yo izuko e [=沖縄よ何処へ].https://t.co/yVi9vN1hpa https://t.co/9ZNEJGhSv3 #IfaFuyu #伊波普猷 @UHMLibrary has a 1928 original edition (non-circulated) 図書館内限定閲覧 https://t.co/ODly6AF4bz
What is bashōfu? #芭蕉布 Here is a list of articles and scientific findings by researchers @OISTja. https://t.co/7xPFJqWOdq Come to @UHMLibrary to learn more about bashofu and other Okinawan tradutuibak textiles! https://t.co/yYA805g3lC #bashofu https://t.co/E9HuR2iM8Y https://t.co/XMT4JrT6t1


