

RT @agingdoc1: Potential Clinical Implications of Senotherapies for Cardiovascular Disease https://t.co/e8q8oZcsqj @jstage_ej https://t.co…
Circadian rhythms are important for successful #MCAS treatment. Lifestyle patterns that mess w/your clock will also mess with clock control of mast cell activation leading to an 'always on' state as opposed to one that fluctuates (not good). 1/n https://t.co/PIbibxZLFY https://t.co/BdVyHygjta
@edina_forgacs @ShaneyWright Time will tell about mast cells: Circadian control of mast cell activation https://t.co/PIbibxZLFY
Small #MECFS trial of Minocycline with 27% patients improving POTS and pain in 6 weeks. Disease duration was key with better outcomes in patients sick for less time. Suggests antibiotic treatment EARLY in post-viral illness. @remissionbiome https://t.co/3rlP2Twg0V https://t.co/e69GqNyoOO


Potential Clinical Implications of Senotherapies for Cardiovascular Disease https://t.co/e8q8oZcsqj @jstage_ej https://t.co/UkQ5ihWkBI
@mrzphd @chydorina @MBVanElzakker @VielightInc @remissionbiome For longer-term effects, ozone induced HO-1 is interesting. @stephbrambila had 3 ozone dialysis (aka EBOO, EBO2) treatments and was done. Implication of NF-κB Activation on Ozone-Induced HO-1 Activation https://t.co/0KURues3s0 https://t.co/OdcamNdMod https://t.co/pzI9GT4aVn

